preprocessor::accu_t | |
cadabra::ActionBase | All actions derive from the ActionBase object, which defines the interface they need to implement |
cadabra::ActionAddCell | Add a cell to the notebook |
cadabra::ActionEraseText | Remove a text string starting at the indicated position, and with the indicated length, from the indicated cell |
cadabra::ActionInsertText | Add a text string (can be just a single character) at the point of the cursor |
cadabra::ActionPositionCursor | Position the cursor relative to the indicated cell |
cadabra::ActionRemoveCell | Remove a cell and all its child cells from the document |
cadabra::ActionSetRunStatus | Update the running status of the indicated cell |
cadabra::ActionSplitCell | Split a cell into two separate cells, at the point of the cursor |
Algorithm | |
component | |
split | Split an expression into terms or factors |
algorithm | |
rename_dummies | |
cadabra::Algorithm | Base class for all algorithms, containing generic routines and in particular the logic for index classification |
cadabra::canonicalise | Canonicalise the index structure of a tensorial expression |
cadabra::collect_components | Collect terms inside a sum, merging their substitution rules |
cadabra::collect_factors | Collect symbolically equal factors in a product |
cadabra::collect_terms | Collect symbolically equal terms in a sum |
cadabra::combine | |
cadabra::complete | Complete a set of coordinate rules so that they also cover related tensors |
cadabra::decompose_product | Decompose a product of tensors by applying Young projectors |
cadabra::distribute | Distribute factors over a sum, that is, \( (A+B) C \rightarrow A C + B C \) |
cadabra::drop_keep_weight | |
cadabra::drop_weight | |
cadabra::keep_weight | |
cadabra::einsteinify | |
cadabra::eliminate_converter | |
cadabra::eliminate_metric | |
cadabra::eliminate_kronecker | |
cadabra::epsilon_to_delta | |
cadabra::evaluate | |
cadabra::expand | |
cadabra::expand_delta | |
cadabra::expand_diracbar | |
cadabra::expand_power | |
cadabra::factor_in | |
cadabra::factor_out | |
cadabra::fierz | |
cadabra::flatten_product | |
cadabra::flatten_sum | |
cadabra::indexsort | |
cadabra::integrate_by_parts | Integrate by parts away from the indicated derivative object |
cadabra::join_gamma | |
cadabra::keep_terms | |
cadabra::map_mma | Functionality to act with Mathematica on all scalar parts of an expression, and keep the result in-place |
cadabra::map_sympy | Functionality to act with Sympy on all scalar parts of an expression, and keep the result in-place |
cadabra::order | |
cadabra::product_rule | |
cadabra::reduce_delta | |
cadabra::rename_dummies | |
cadabra::replace_match | |
cadabra::rewrite_indices | |
cadabra::sort_product | |
cadabra::sort_spinors | |
cadabra::sort_sum | |
cadabra::split_gamma | |
cadabra::split_index | |
cadabra::substitute | Generic substitution algorithm |
cadabra::sym | |
cadabra::tab_basics | |
cadabra::lr_tensor | |
cadabra::take_match | |
cadabra::unwrap | |
cadabra::vary | Generic variational derivative algorithm |
cadabra::young_project | |
cadabra::young_project_product | |
cadabra::young_project_tensor | |
AppDelegate() | |
snoop::Snoop::AppEntry | C++ representation of an run entry |
Application | |
Cadabra | The Cadabra notebook application |
BaseProperty | Helper class to ensure that all Python property objects derive from the same base class |
Property< T > | Property is a templated wrapper around a C++ property object |
ProgressMonitor::Block | |
Server::Block | |
Server::CatchOutput | Python output catching |
Client | |
MyClient | |
combin::combinations_base< T > | |
combin::combinations< T > | |
combin::symm_helper< T > | |
combin::symm_val_helper< T > | |
combin::combinations_base< unsigned int > | |
combin::combinations< unsigned int > | |
combin::symm_helper< unsigned int > | |
combin::symm_val_helper< unsigned int > | |
cadabra::ComputeThread | Base class which talks to the server and sends Action objects back to the DocumentThread |
Server::Connection | |
cadabra::DataCell | DataCells are the basic building blocks for a document |
cadabra::DisplayBase | Base class for all display classes |
cadabra::DisplayMMA | Class to display expressions in a format that Mathematica can parse |
cadabra::DisplaySympy | Class to display expressions in a format that Sympy can parse |
cadabra::DisplayTerminal | Class to display expressions to the terminal |
cadabra::DisplayTeX | Class to handle display of expressions using LaTeX notation |
DocumentThread | |
cadabra_osx::NotebookWindow | Objective-C++ class implementing DocumentThread and providing an OS-X notebook interface |
cadabra::DocumentThread | A base class with all the logic to manipulate a Cadabra notebook document |
cadabra::NotebookWindow | Each notebook has one main window which controls it |
EventBox | |
cadabra::TeXView | TeXView is a widget which knows how to turn a string into a LaTeX-rendered image and display that |
cadabra::Ex_comparator | A generic tree comparison class which will take into account index contractions and will also keep track of a replacement list for all types of cadabra wildcards |
cadabra::Ex_is_equivalent | Basic comparison operator for tree iterators, so we can use them as keys in maps |
cadabra::Ex_is_less | |
exception | |
exec_stream_t::error_t | |
cadabra::exchange | |
exec_stream_t | |
cadabra::str_node::flag_t | |
snoop::Flush | |
GUIBase | |
cadabra_osx::NotebookWindow | Objective-C++ class implementing DocumentThread and providing an OS-X notebook interface |
cadabra::GUIBase | Abstract base class with methods that need to be implemented by any GUI |
cadabra::NotebookWindow | Each notebook has one main window which controls it |
cadabra::DataCell::id_t | Each cell is identified by a serial number 'id' which is used to keep track of it across network calls, and a bool indicating whether the client or the server has created this cell |
cadabra::exchange::identical_tensors_t | |
Images | |
cadabra::Inherit< T > | If a property X derives from Inherit<Y>, and get<Y> is called on an object which has an X property (but no Y property), then the get<Y> will look at the non-index child of the object to see if that has a Y property |
cadabra::Inherit< SortOrder > | |
cadabra::Derivative | |
cadabra::ExteriorDerivative | |
cadabra::PartialDerivative | |
iterable_converter | |
iterator_base | |
cadabra::index_iterator | An iterator which iterates over indices even if they are at lower levels, i.e |
yngtab::filled_tableau< T >::iterator_base | |
yngtab::filled_tableau< T >::in_column_iterator | An iterator which stays inside a given column of a tableau |
yngtab::filled_tableau< T >::iterator | An iterator over all boxes of a tableau, left to right, top to bottom |
cadabra::Kernel | |
cadabra::keyval_t | Arguments to properties get parsed into a keyval_t structure |
cadabra::indexsort::less_indexed_treenode | |
snoop::Snoop::LogEntry | C++ representation of a log entry |
logic_error | |
cadabra::TeXEngine::TeXException | |
CadabraException | |
ArgumentException | Exception thrown when arguments to an algorithm or property are not correct |
ConsistencyException | |
cadabra::WeightInherit::WeightException | |
InternalError | Exception thrown when there the Cadabra code detects an internal inconsistency; this should never happen, but is better than bailing out with an assert |
InterruptionException | |
NonScalarException | Exception thrown when something requires that an expression is a pure scalar (i.e |
NotYetImplemented | Exception thrown when there the Cadabra code detects an internal inconsistency; this should never happen, but is better than bailing out with an assert |
ParseException | |
RuntimeException | Exception thrown when an algorithm cannot complete, e.g |
PermutationException | Generic permutation group material |
MMA | |
MultiIndex< T > | A class to help iterating over all values of multiple objects |
exec_stream_t::next_arg_t | |
exec_stream_t::next_arg_impl_t< iterator > | |
NotebookController() | |
<NSApplicationDelegate> | |
AppDelegate | |
cadabra::nset_it_less | Compare two nset iterators by comparing the strings to which they point |
NSObject | |
AppDelegate | |
NSViewController | |
NotebookController | |
cadabra::Parser | |
cadabra::pattern | |
Perm | |
cadabra::NotebookWindow::Prefs | |
preprocessor | Preprocessing class which takes infix mathematical notation with all sorts of maths shortcuts and transforms it into a string which is properly formatted in prefix notation |
ProgressMonitor | |
cadabra2_defaults.Server | Object to handle advanced display in a UI-independent way |
Server | Object representing a Cadabra server, capable of receiving messages on a websocket, running Python code, and sending output back to the client |
ServerWrapper | A class which enables access to a Python-side defined Server object with ProgressMonitor interface |
cadabra::Properties | Class holding a collection of properties attached to expressions |
property | |
Integral | |
cadabra::property | Base class for all properties, handling argument parsing and defining the interface |
cadabra::Accent | Turns a symbol into an accent |
cadabra::DiracBar | |
cadabra::AntiSymmetric | |
cadabra::EpsilonTensor | |
cadabra::GammaMatrix | |
cadabra::CommutingAsProduct | |
cadabra::Derivative | |
cadabra::CommutingAsSum | |
cadabra::Coordinate | |
cadabra::DAntiSymmetric | |
cadabra::Depends | |
cadabra::DependsBase | |
cadabra::Depends | |
cadabra::DependsInherit | |
cadabra::Derivative | |
cadabra::DependsInherit | |
cadabra::Derivative | |
cadabra::DifferentialFormBase | |
cadabra::DifferentialForm | |
cadabra::ExteriorDerivative | |
cadabra::DiracBar | |
cadabra::Distributable | |
cadabra::Derivative | |
cadabra::DiracBar | |
cadabra::EpsilonTensor | |
cadabra::FilledTableau | |
cadabra::GammaMatrix | |
cadabra::GammaTraceless | |
cadabra::ImaginaryI | |
cadabra::ImplicitIndex | |
cadabra::DifferentialForm | |
cadabra::Matrix | |
cadabra::GammaMatrix | |
cadabra::Spinor | |
cadabra::IndexInherit | |
cadabra::Accent | Turns a symbol into an accent |
cadabra::Derivative | |
cadabra::DifferentialForm | |
cadabra::Integer | Property indicating that a symbolic object always takes integer values |
cadabra::InverseMetric | |
cadabra::KroneckerDelta | |
cadabra::labelled_property | |
cadabra::WeightBase | |
cadabra::Derivative | |
cadabra::Weight | |
cadabra::WeightInherit | |
cadabra::LaTeXForm | |
cadabra::list_property | Something cannot be both a list property and a normal property at the same time, so we can safely inherit without virtual |
cadabra::CommutingBehaviour | |
cadabra::AntiCommuting | |
cadabra::Commuting | |
cadabra::NonCommuting | |
cadabra::Indices | |
cadabra::SortOrder | |
cadabra::Matrix | |
cadabra::Metric | |
cadabra::NumericalFlat | Property indicating that an operator is numerically flat, so that numerical factors in the argument can be taken outside |
cadabra::Accent | Turns a symbol into an accent |
cadabra::Derivative | |
cadabra::PartialDerivative | |
cadabra::PropertyInherit | PropertyInherit is like Inherit<T> for all properties |
cadabra::Accent | Turns a symbol into an accent |
cadabra::RiemannTensor | |
cadabra::SatisfiesBianchi | |
cadabra::SelfCommutingBehaviour | |
cadabra::SelfAntiCommuting | |
cadabra::SelfCommuting | |
cadabra::SelfNonCommuting | |
cadabra::Spinor | |
cadabra::Symbol | |
cadabra::Symmetric | |
cadabra::Diagonal | |
cadabra::Metric | |
cadabra::Tableau | |
cadabra::TableauSymmetry | |
cadabra::InverseMetric | |
cadabra::RiemannTensor | |
cadabra::WeylTensor | |
cadabra::Traceless | |
cadabra::AntiSymmetric | |
cadabra::WeylTensor | |
cadabra::WeylTensor | |
cadabra::Properties::registered_property_map_t | |
snoop::Snoop | Logging class with functionality to send log information to a remote server using a websocket connection |
snoop::SnoopImpl | |
Stopwatch | |
cadabra::str_node | Elementary building block for a mathematical expression |
combin::symmetriser< T > | |
combin::symmetriser< unsigned int > | |
cadabra2_defaults.Sympy | Stub object for when Sympy itself is not available |
yngtab::tableau_base | |
yngtab::tableau | |
yngtab::filled_tableau< iterator > | |
yngtab::filled_tableau< unsigned int > | |
yngtab::filled_tableau< T > | |
cadabra::TableauBase | |
cadabra::AntiSymmetric | |
cadabra::DAntiSymmetric | |
cadabra::Derivative | |
cadabra::KroneckerDelta | |
cadabra::SatisfiesBianchi | |
cadabra::Symmetric | |
cadabra::TableauSymmetry | |
yngtab::tableaux< T > | |
cadabra::exchange::tensor_type_t | |
cadabra::TerminalStream | |
cadabra::TeXEngine | TeXEngine is used to convert LaTeX strings into PNG images |
cadabra::TeXEngine::TeXRequest | |
TextView | |
cadabra::CodeInput::exp_input_tv | The actual text widget used by CodeInput |
ProgressMonitor::Total | |
tree | |
cadabra::Ex | Basic storage class for symbolic mathemematical expressions |
cadabra::tree_equal_obj | |
cadabra::tree_exact_equal_mod_prel_obj | |
cadabra::tree_exact_equal_obj | |
cadabra::tree_exact_less_for_indexmap_obj | Compare for indexmap_t |
cadabra::tree_exact_less_mod_prel_obj | |
cadabra::tree_exact_less_no_wildcards_mod_prel_obj | |
cadabra::tree_exact_less_no_wildcards_obj | Compare two trees exactly, treat wildcard names as ordinary names |
cadabra::tree_exact_less_obj | Compare two trees exactly, i.e. including exact index names |
cadabra::tree_less_modprel_obj | |
cadabra::tree_less_obj | Compare two trees by pattern logic, i.e. modulo index names |
UI | |
VBox | |
cadabra::CodeInput | A text cell editor widget with support for editing Python and LaTeX |
cadabra::ImageView | An image viewing widget |
cadabra::VisualCell | Structure holding a pointer to one of the possible GUI widgets that can appear in a document |
VPaned | |
cadabra::NotebookCanvas | |
Window | |
cadabra::NotebookWindow | Each notebook has one main window which controls it |
Window | |
PreferencesWindow | |
X | Mockup types |
Y | |
Z | |
Kernel | |
echokernel.EchoKernel | |